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Customers hate your screens.

We fixed that.

Introducing the future of window screens

FlexScreen is quickly becoming
one of Shark Tank’s biggest success stories!

FlexScreen is quickly becoming
one of Shark Tank’s biggest success stories!

Plygem logo | FlexScreen testimonial

“I’m a big fan of FlexScreen! When I look back on my 25 years in this industry there hasn’t been a lot of changes when it comes to product innovation, especially with screens.

FlexScreen not only provides a solution to an existing problem with full screens, it also provides a unique selling feature. The product gives our dealers an opportunity to not only provide a better product, but an option that can be sold at a high value. When you can create value like FlexScreen has with their product, you can maximize revenue and profits… In the end, that’s what we are all here for. FlexScreen provides that and peace of mind that every remodeler and homeowner are looking for. It’s a perfect product with great marketing support.

Congrats to Joe and his team for being innovators and creative in everything they do. I am not surprised at their success.”

- Dan Higey, PlyGem